Every day you wake up, puritanical capitalism dictates to you an absolute interest: make money, be productive, serve the capitalist class through wage slavery, be a good polite person and don’t cause any fuss. A king on high points his scepter at you to declare what you should find valuable and interesting and worth sacrificing for. Will you let him dictate your life and what brings you ecstasy? Have you turned yourself over to the supposedly objective desire proffered by the state and its agents? Somewhere in a basement, a goblin crouches over their multi-monitor goon cave setup. They have taken the “objective puritan morals” and pissed and came all over them. They are free, the gooner has seized liberation TODAY.
Gooning in its classical form is the practice of wholesale commitment to the project of protracted pleasure. Through the skillful application of edging (approaching but then subverting orgasm) and various triggers (sexy pics) a gooner is able to enter a state of supra-natural ecstasy wherein capitalist notions of production, efficiency and profit value are discarded, instead the gooner looks after their own interest. While some have decried gooning as “anti-social”, this is a misinterpretation of a rational reaction to capitalist alienation. People are already tucked into their isolated hole, squirreled away until another work day, Gooning is the personal revolt against puritanism which proffers interest only for its own sake and not your own. Gooning is egoistic revolution made manifest.
Don’t be duped: “duped egoism consists in the belief in an absolute interest, which does not spring from the [individual], i.e., is not interesting…but rather arises imperiously…against him, an “eternal” interest. Here the [individual] is “duped,” because his own interest, “private interest,” is not only left unconsidered, but is even condemned, and yet “egoism” remains, because he welcomes this alien or absolute interest only in the hope that it will grant him some pleasure.” [1]. Be ever watchful that you are not sold an eternal interest, a metaphysical trinket for happiness. Your joy will only come when you carefully and attentively seek out your own interest, not a spiritual bauble designed to prick your finger. When you reject the universe proffered by puritanism and the state, you seek your own interest, you create your own world.
Gooning creates a new reality, a gooner-verse, wherein the only God is the God of your individual desire. In direct rejection of the purportedly objective moral truth of puritanism which “is uninteresting, because there is no consideration in it for you or your interest” [1]. Leftist circles (the wretched spiritual socialists who carry leftism like a religion of martyrdom) have long reproduced puritan culture, substituting the absolute reality of the church for the absolute reality of the (socialist) state. In both, sexuality is made slave, made bitch of the supposedly absolute truth of church or socialist science. “The interesting can only be interesting through your interest…what is interesting despite you is an uninteresting thing” [1]. Therefore, seize your interest, setup the goon cave and stop producing capitalist value, kill the keeper of commodity production, kill the consumer of what they want you to consume.
Some might argue that pornography is a product, a thing to be consumed, derided by the puritan values but actually a salivary treat for the capitalists of porn. Yet in reality, porn is largely seized in the absence of currency production (it’s not profitable). People stream porn, pirate studio movies, pay small producers and book sessions with independent sex workers. In many ways the consumption and production of porn yearns, screams, thrashes its way out of capitalist consumption. Porn is ever the black market, ever the in for the worker getting out of poverty, always a space of subversion of both state agents and puritan values. Sex spaces become hot-beds for queer gangs and anarchist criminal enterprise.
Cries of sex and porn addiction are anxiety about one’s relation to the values of God and Country. People who feel they are addicted to porn do not consume more than the average amount of porn [2]. Self viewed porn addicts are jerking off over their servitude to hegemony, viciously trying to root out their own interest and supplant it with the interest of the hegemony, the party, the almighty absolute. The state seeks to instill a perpetual anxiety about consumption which is renegade to the primary capitalist consumptive modes (that of spending money on commodities). Porn consumption and the associated masturbation is so often a threat to the hegemony. Porn’s manufacture, ever more independent, porn’s consumption, ever criminal and unprofitable. The coomer strives always for a freedom from capitalist drive, a wholesale rejection of commodity production in favor of a personal pursuit of perpetual pleasure.
Cast off the shackles you’ve been carrying telling you not to touch yourself. Set fire to the stocks you’ve locked yourself into so your tongue might never touch the cunt of your own desire. Seize control of your egoistic desire, embrace what you’ve known the entire time: your pleasure is worthwhile. Jump off the hamster wheel of making another piece of shit to buy, for maintaining the app your company uses to hire slaves, for making latte #1792343 for consumptive mouth #197239. Jump off the wheel and into the goon cave, craft the reality you actually live in to be worthwhile and fulfilling. Stop bowing and scraping before the altar of capital, insisting upon itself as the absolute, as an objectively desirable trinket fashioned out of shit. Piss upon the edifice of constructed capitalist desire, a fairytale fashioned to keep you on your knees, mouth agape for the prick of capital to once more deposit the desire to produce value. Become a gooner, become free.
1. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/max-stirner-stirner-s-critics
2. There are a variety of articles analyzing both how research studies done on sex addiction are simplistic in methodology, lack theoretical integration and have little to no quality measurement. There is a virtual absence of high-quality treatment-related research. Sex addiction primarily exists as a way for the hegemony to manage and derive profit from peoples’ shame. See: Grubbs JB, Hoagland KC, Lee BN, Grant JT, Davison P, Reid RC, Kraus SW. Sexual addiction 25 years on: A systematic and methodological review of empirical literature and an agenda for future research. Clin Psychol Rev. 2020 Dec;82:101925. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101925. Epub 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 33038740. and https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/close-and-personal/201609/anthony-weiner-is-not-sex-addict-neither-is-anyone-else-0