Here are many longer-form writings that I’ve done, including collected poetry and essays.
A justification of a monastic life from Christian and Buddhist sources.
A close reading of Saint Bernard’s sermon “On Pride and Humility” particularly addressing its modern relevance.
An analysis of Anarchist themes in Jane Jacob’s “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”.
A book of poetry about drug use.
A book of poetry about travel, relationships, loss and drugs.
Current version of the introduction to Anarchism pamphlet.
A introductory pamphlet to Buddhism
An updated pamphlet introducing Anarchism using only words from black anarchist writers, although less good as a pure introduction due to minimal editing of the source text.
A printable leaflet about public sex and kink
A short zine about relationship anarchism, either to be printed duplex short side or read digitally
A printable leaflet about Anarchist Buddhist Praxis
An introductory pamphlet to Anarchism, first edition (now out of date)